In a world where political agendas define the images of nations, I am committed to showing Pakistan’s true face to the world. A face glowing with aspirations, eyes alight with visions of progress, hands ready to build the future and a soul yearning for greatness.
This is why, at iGate Technologies, I have put into place, a culture of nurturing talent. We pick the best of the best in their fields and encourage them to grow beyond their potential. This helps my clients get the best possible services while we get to work with the most highly evolved professionals in the country. At iGate Technologies we create leaders, influencers and future pioneers of the industry. This is why, no challenge is challenging enough for a team that thrives under stressful situations.
Our team puts its best foot forward every day, knowing that we’re prepared beyond traditional resilience planning to deal with any unforeseeable threats. The recent outbreak of the globally crippling coronavirus disease ushered in a new climate of uncertainty for businesses everywhere. It demanded of us to switch up our approach to serving customers, collaborating with suppliers, and managing operations.
We responded by practicing faster decision-making, improving productivity and learning to use the available data and technology in ways to accelerate the scope of innovation. Mitigating strategies to overcome the Covid-19 transportation helped our teams gain valuable lessons in business and future strategies for seamless logistics and operational plans. By taking timely measures against the Covid-19 disruptions and effectively prioritizing we were able to collectively maintain firm performance metrics. Where many businesses struggled, this firm’s innovative risk management planning came through in the clutch and led to record revenues generated during the pandemic.
This journey has in particular given me a delightful insight into how fast Pakistan’s tech industry is shaping up and giving birth to super-clusters of great tech start-ups as well as IT professionals with expertise in emerging technologies. My vision for iGate Technologies is to lead the evolution of IT in Pakistan, and send forth torch bearers to enlighten the world about the untapped potential of this great country.
N. Sadiq

CHAIRMAN, iGate Technologies